Need to remove a bathtub? No problem. Be it cast iron, fiberglass, or metal, follow these steps to success:
1 – Disconnect Plumbing

First off, there is no need to turn off the water supply. The bathtub is connected to the plumbing at the drain and overflow. Disconnect the overflow using a screw driver. You may need to remove a second set of screws under the overflow cover plate.

Next, unscrew the drain flange using a needle nose pliers or a drain wrench.
2 – Cover Drain
Cover the drain with tape to prevent debris from falling into drain pipe. This is vital if you are breaking out the tile.
3 – Expose Tub Flange
Remove the lower row of tiles to expose the bathtub flange. Here I’m breaking out the tiles using a 5 lb sledge hammer. Next, remove any fasteners holding the flange to the wall studs. This tub was secured with only two nails through the flange.
4 – Remove Tub
At this point, if the tub cannot be lifted out, it can be cut out. A metal or fiberglass tub can be cut out with a metal blade on a reciprocating saw or a metal cutting disc on a grinder. A cast iron tub can be broken into pieces with a sledgehammer.
If you are removing a metal bathtub, a hand-truck makes easy work of hauling it out.
5 – Plug Drain
Lastly, be sure to plug any openings in the drain pipe to prevent sewer gas from leaking into the house.
Congratulations, you did it. 🙂