Instructional video on how to install a one handle kitchen faucet on a new under-mount sink. Here I install a Moen Georgene over granite. Check it out!
Step 1
Slide included gasket over the faucet hoses and insert faucet into sink hole.
Step 2
Place mounting bracket and nut over shank. Secure with included installation tool.
Step 3
Thread hose guide onto shank.
Step 4
Install Pulldown hose through spout.
Step 5

Click Pulldown hose into Outlet hose.
Step 6

Attach Hose Weight just above start of loop curve on the same side as locator mark.
Step 7
Attach water hoses and turn on water valves and check for leaks.
Step 8
Run hot and cold water for 15 seconds to flush lines.
Step 9
Attach spray wand and test for proper operation.
Step 10
Congratulations, you did it!
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Moen Georgene Spot Resist Stainless Single Handle Pull-down Kitchen Faucet with Deck Plate